Paying Creators the Outloud Way

The Outloud Group pays creators at the end of the following month. Full stop. There’s no messing around with 60/90/120 days from going live, waiting for the agency to receive payment from the brand, chasing after payments. We pay our creators.

Our standard payment terms are the same for both brands and creators -- this means that we often get paid by the brand after we have already sent payment to the creators. In a time when influencer marketing agencies are going out of business and creators, talent managers, & agents have to knock down doors and call out brands by name to get paid, how can we afford to do this? Strategic cashflow management and process change have allowed us to leverage the capital and credit that we have access to, and in change continue to build and grow relationships both with brands and creators.

Sure, there is risk involved in sending payment before we have it, and we have definitely gotten burned in the past paying creators when bad actors enter the picture [*cough cough* MCNs]. However, the relationships that we’ve retained through these practices have empowered The Outloud Group to weather the storm that has hit the influencer marketing industry over the past couple of years and allowed us to continue to grow with those relationships.

The Standard Sucks

So, what are our payment terms exactly? We pay net 30 days from the end of the month the content posted. For example, if you post in June, we will send payment by July 30. The industry standard is to pay you only when the agency receives payment from the brand... and we don’t like that standard.

Brands are occasionally known to not pay, but we still pay creators. There is no guessing when you will get paid -- send us an invoice and fulfill your contracted terms, and you will know that you are getting paid. To ask bluntly, as a brand, do you want to work with an agency that has a reputation of paying creators late or not paying them at all? Creators, managers, agents, & everyone behind the scenes of a successful campaign, we ask you that same question.


We are always open to feedback and are ready to come to the table to have an open discussion -- this is the best way for us to both improve and build stronger relationships. We are regularly reviewing all of our processes to find solutions that work best for creators & brands that also allow Outloud to stay up and running. Reach out to to make your voice heard.


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